Sentiment Analysis
e.g. Is this IMDB movie review a positive one? There are keywords that can be used to determine the attitute on a movie.
DNN-based NLU
Feed downstream task data to pre-trained language model to fine-tune. Downstream task data should be as similar to deployment data.
Crucial component of NLP systems.
NLP systems need a tokenizer to encode texts into numbers in order for NN to perform calculations.
Word Splitting
Method 1: Split
- "convert" and "converts" are considered as different words
- Punctuations make a different word
Method 2: separate words and punctuations
Drawback: larger vocab in multilingual tasks. "This is an example." -> ["This", "is", "an", "example", "." ].
Method 3: Character/Byte-level Encoding
Example: CANINE Vocab size significantly reduced. "This is an example." -> ["T", "h", "i", ...]. Drawback: need to handle a much longer sequence.
Method 4: subword
- Adopted by popular LMs (BERT, GPT)
- Each pretrained model comes with its own tokenizer
Two-step Encoding Process
Calling tokenizer(sentence)
is equivalent to
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
Overview of the Pipeline
Text -> Tokenization into input_ids and attention masks -> pretrained model -> linear classification head -> output.
BERT is the encoder part of the transformer.